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Conference 19th Nov 2017

International, extension of 20th June.

Springer Nature Book series.

Studies in Rhythm engineering.

TCCE Conference Springer Nature 2019, 2020.....

International conference on Brain science and natural intelligence, computing

Faculty recruitment

We welcome Dr. Mukesh Kumar, Dr. Dave Sonntag, Dr. Satyabrata Ghosh, Martin Timms & Dr. Shiva Kumar Singh.

Equipments Organic musical life

The tribes of the world felt the vibration of the world and they implemented those beautiful cultural aspects of life. Slowly with the advent of modern Turing machines and the development of philosophies of "survival of the fittest" following Darwin's version of evolution, we find unfortunate disappearance of several cultures & their life like technologies. We want to archive brilliant materials and cultures across the glob in the IIoIR campus.

There are plenty of books which can transform the life of human being in different cultures. However, the true essence of native languages and their original work is nver appreciated by the world. IIoIR will work relentlessly to create visual presentation of th books such that the hidden beauties within are revealed.

There are several rare books across the globe which are not printed, we will find thm make copies and build an archive of now unavailable books.

Our library will have museum of original materials used by tribal scientists, greatest thinkers of tribes and their cultures, so that the beauty of their creations is never undermined w will continue to collect these unknown "beautiful minds".

Our archive will be the best in world for creating the materials on vibrations, biological astrophysical and all form of rhythms. Since this is not the mainstream science, w will be able to collect the best materials.


4/15/2016 New campus location is finalized the construction has started

Thus far the work was going on in a makeshift laboratory, in main Shimla, Bhattakufer. Now, that a very suitable land is found the 99 years of 4.5 acres of land lease agreement has been established in Baldeyan, the official procedure to develop our own world class campus begins. Clearence from various departments of Govt of Himachal Pradesh is going on, however, the research work has not stopped and we are finding new avenues.


12/30/2016 Development of a Germinator, total waste converter

Imagine a futuristic world where millions of kilometers of waste transmissions for humans will not be required. W will convert waste to useful product instantly. This will be the biggest reform after the discovery of cooking by humans. We have also started deveoping a electromagnetic wave based germinator. This will transform cultivation in the world. 


9/15/2015 The research and design for the intelligent toilet that self-cleans, disinfects after an user uses the seat begins

The work begins for the development of a toilet seat that self cleans as the first step. The second step would be building a full fledged medical treatment facility using the toilet seat. Advanced state of the art features have been included in the product. Several prototypes are being tested by Bhupender Singh, a researcher of IIoIR.


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